Thursday, February 2, 2017

Pew Research Graph

Racial Gaps in Household Income Persist is showing how Blacks and white have bridged the gap between each other and have yet to fill the gap on household income equality. The graph shows the that from 1967 to 2014, whites have continued to dominate the household income. This Ovcourse can be debated on a lot of things, including education, family life, and the career equality. The graph is something that should not be ignored and it could be a key indicator on why our community is not equal, what would happen if the equality continued, and what happens if the equality diminished.

Social Inequality Meme

“If they can be natural, why can’t I?’ Meme is reflecting the social inequality that African Americans face based on their hair texture. The “norm” for acceptable hair across both genders is that hair in the work place is that hair must be neat and “professional”? What that may mean to most is that traditional African American hairstyles such as braids (cornrows) or deadlocks does not fit that norm. Hair must be straightened or cut short, hiding or ignoring the natural hair texture that many people of African decent have. This is an inequality because many people go to extremes to fit this normal mentality, causing significant damage to their hair. The inequality continues with last years ban on dreadlocks in the work place, causing many people who have embraced their natural hair, that may also reflect their heritage to be discriminated against in the work place.