Monday, April 24, 2017


Since taking this class completing my blog assignments I feel that I have learned a lot about myself.  African American, male, and single I realize that the odds are stacked against me and there is a few in my favor. Im think that I am more consciously aware about the world now and I will approach everything with a "gray eye" because the world is not black and white. There is so many different things to consider when talking about job, status, housing, and even discrimination. Social Inequality has shown me the gray and I will forever be looking for it.


  1. It is sad that due to race, religion, and location it can effect chances we have in life. I hope one day it will not be an issue anymore.

  2. It is important to see situations that life puts you in with a different perspective, I believe that is one of the characteristics that can make a person stronger, reach for their goals, and overall make a difference in society.
